Bespoke Chair Company "Ottoman Silks" Stools at Decorex

Ottoman Silks exhibit our designs at Decorex

I was thrilled to see Vizier, Agha, Hazinedar, and Pasha, adorning the Ottoman Silks stand this year at Decorex.

These distinct and bespoke pieces feature  original silk designs from the kaftans of Sultans from the Ottoman Empire.

It was exciting to design them; from the painstaking polishing with layers of shellac to the solid beech show wood frames, to working with natural materials which further emphasise the exquisite fabrics.

Finally the finishing touches; embellishments meticulously applied, from double piping trim to individually hammered in nails.  

The result was a joy to see on display at Syon Park.

All the pieces shown here are available to purchase at The Bespoke Chair Company or order them online at :